
Space: Movements in Strategic Direction

Tracking through the history of space sector management, a developing strategic direction can be discerned comprising four related movements:

 Commercialisation:

The introduction of commercial enterprise to a sector previously characterized by state activity.

 International Cooperation:

From inter-state rivalry to inter-state cooperation.

 Utilization:

The move from an ideological philosophy to one of utility.

 Paradigm Shift:

A major paradigm shift from the old ‘projects’ era to a new era of sustainable industry.


LCC: Business, Corporate and Global Strategy

Business and functional level strategies have historically defined the business model for Low Cost Carriers (LCC). This basic model is now being augmented as corporate and global strategies proliferate and increase in importance. These higher level strategies which include the emergence of the Long Haul Low Cost Carriers (LHLCC) will define the future of the LCC segment and impact the wider airline industry.




In the transport industry the words mode or modal refer to the type or medium of travel either air, land or sea transport.

The standard terms; inter-modal or multi-modal therefore refer to integration between any of these 3 main modes of transport.

For example; a trip is considered inter or multi-modal if it includes a high speed rail trip to the airport to connect with an outbound flight.

The title of this website: ‘Extramodal’ includes the ‘extra

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’ mode of space transport. Space endeavor has provided a great deal of technology for transport and the wider economy and the recent trend to commercialization in space provides material worth exploring.


Global Strategy in the Chinese Air Transport Industry

It is widely accepted that global air transport is becoming centered in the Asia Pacific region. Within this region China has the potential to develop into a mega-market surpassing the rest of the region and the world. The air transport industry of China is reaching strategic importance at regional and global levels.

The big three (B3) airlines of China are pursuing expansion programs. Air China, China Eastern, China Southern and some of the smaller domestic airlines have the potential to become major global players.